WE ARE MAKING A MIXTAPE We have a lot of old blank tapes of various colors that needs to go to make room for new ones. Instead of just throwing them out we want to create a mixtape of your best beats. This will be a very limited run and will be sold very cheap. We hope to create a fun project packed with only the best vibes. RULES & INFO: - You can submit as many beats as you want, we will only pick one of them. Fill out this form for each track you submit. - Your beats must be in .wav files. - No specific genre, anything goes as long as it’s dope. - Your submission do not need to be exclusive or unreleased. - No max or min length. - By submitting you don’t give us rights other that publications and usage of the song. Limited cassette will be sold and the earnings will go to funding other project like this. - Due date: 15th of december. * means required areas First Name * Surname * Your Email * Artist name * Song name * All social media links Additional notes regarding the application Do you agree to lets us use your beat for limited physical distribution? * —Please choose an option—Yes! Upload your track to a file hosting website and paste your file link here.(Make sure that your link does not expire!) We will go through all submission after the due date. Δ