ABOUT YOU This is the part where you give us some info about yourself... * means required areas First Name * Surname * Your Email * Paypal Email Artist name ABOUT YOUR TAPE Tape title * How long is your tape? (Longest side) * Who will distribute your tape? * —Please choose an option—I will!Insert Tapes Do you have a release date in mind? Note that it can take up to a month before we get to your submission. Selling price? (In USD). Bandcamp takes 10% of the sales so keep that in mind, lowest selling is price $5. Digital selling price? (In USD) Wholesale price (the price retailers get)? (In USD) Text to be publish about your tape, tracklist (in order), links etc.* Do you want the album to be uploaded to our Soundcloud? —Please choose an option—YesNo Do you want the tape to be sent out to our Patreons? —Please choose an option—YesNo Additional notes regarding your tape Zip your music files (A & B side) and the two artwork files together into one zip file. You can download our templates here... Paste your file link here. After we have checked though your request we will contact you. Note that this can take up to several months depending on the queue. Δ